SWD Online Payment Portal
This form is used to pay (transfer funds) to either SWD (adults), CKI (college) or Key Club (high school).

Checks and Venmo, using a debit card or bank account, incur no additional fees.

PayPal incurs a processing fee. Processing fees are non-refundable.

This first section is the name and contact information for the person completing this form.
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Are you paying:
PayPal fees are non-refundable

PayPal charges a processing fee to all transactions. PayPal fees are not refundable. 

Payment by Check (PLEASE NO STAPLES)

Address the envelope as follows:
(Payment to) SWD / CKI / Key Club
(reason for payment)
PO Box 9678
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Blue Sky Maintenance 
PO Box 9678
Santa Fe, NM 87504


INCLUDE a copy of this Form.

Click the "Submit Your Info" button below to be taken to the PayPal payment page. You may use PayPal as a guest without signing up with PayPal by using the "Pay With Debit or Credit Card" button.

Venmo to:

Kiwanis SWD

The image is the "K" tilt logo.
To be safe ask to be friended before sending funds. Last 4 of phone number for verification are 9175.

DO NOT click the "Purchase Protection" button. If you click the "Purchase Protection" button Venmo will take a fee from the payment and you will be invoiced for the amount of the fee.

YOU MUST INCLUDE a descripton in the description to ensure your payment is properly credited.